1. Fischer to Haworth and Chair for Glucose and Fructose (Vid 5 of 5)
2. 說明 D- L- form 的關鍵
3. 從這裡開始示範 Fisher --> Haworth Projection
4. Alpha, Beta 構型的判定
5. 怎麼畫椅子型的糖?
6. 為什麼椅子型的醣類最穩定?
7. 最後加映,如果是果糖怎麼畫?
http://leah4sci.com/fischer Presents: Converting a Fischer Projection to Haworth and Chair conformation for Glucose, and Fructose Fischer to Haworth Catch this entire video series + practice quiz and cheat sheet on my website: http://leah4sci.com/fischer Video 5 of 5 in my in my Fischer Projection series shows you my shortcut for converting from the linear D-Glucose to a Haworth Ring and chair conformation, and then a similar trick for converting D-Fructose from linear to cyclic form.
長度: 14:42, 發表時間 : 2015-09-11 13:00
觀看次數 : 2,812
http://leah4sci.com/fischer Presents: Converting a Fischer Projection to Haworth and Chair conformation for Glucose, and Fructose Fischer to Haworth Catch this entire video series + practice quiz and cheat sheet on my website: http://leah4sci.com/fischer Video 5 of 5 in my in my Fischer Projection series shows you my shortcut for converting from the linear D-Glucose to a Haworth Ring and chair conformation, and then a similar trick for converting D-Fructose from linear to cyclic form.