如果你的段落是多個相關連的 idea 組成,那麼使用過渡詞就更重要了,這些過渡詞絕對能讓文章讀起來更清楚。
1. 專職過渡詞:thus, therefore, moreover, nevertheless, however....
2. 過渡片語:in fact, to conclude, on the contrary, for instance....
3. 某些形容詞:first, second...
4. 連結詞:and, but, for, or, nor.....
5. 在句子間重複出現的單字或片語也可作為過渡之用
6. 有節奏的提問也是一種過渡技巧
7. 使用同義語 (synonyms):例如前一句用 sea 後一句用 ocean
8. 使用數字或英文符號 1, 2, 3.... a, b, c..... 來顯示過渡
9. 使用代名詞 (pronoun)
解釋時使用: now, thus, for, in this case....
強調時使用:indeed, certainly, above all....
有條件時使用:but, however, yet, unless, except for....
舉例時使用: for example, for instance, thus...
比較時使用:like, similarly, likewise, in the same way...
對比時使用:in contrast, on the other hand, instead, unlike...
妥協時使用 (concession):admittedly, nevertheless, of course, although, after all...
因果關係時使用:therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, hence, so, accordingly
總結時使用: in conclusion, to sum up, all in all, finally....
最後,我要強調一下代名詞 (pronoun) 的使用妙處,它們甚至可以稱為最強的過渡詞
除了可以在一個句子內發會過渡效果 (例如:We wondered what this moment.)
也可以在兩個句子間發揮過渡效果 (例如:We liiked at the fishing boats. They were tied up at the dock.)
例如:If a persson feels that a law is unjust, the person should work to repeal.
可更改為:If a person feels that a law is unjust, he should work to repeal it.
Karl wrote a number of suggestions to the newspaper about low-cost housing. Although they were not all practical suggestions, they were original enough to be published, leading to a surprising response from the public. Hundreds of letters were written to the editor. Some of them favored Karl's plans; others criticized them. The editor chose five letters in favor of Karls plans and five letters opposed to them. These were all published in the newspaper the following week.