
Traveling across the U.S.A., you don't need passport to move from state to state. But sometimes it seems as if you should have one. Even though you can buy the same brand of soap, toothpaste, and sugarfree carbonated drink in all 50 states, the U.S.A., reveals major regional differences. Variations in climate and geography account for many of these contrasts. Some Eastern seaboard cities, for example, show a strong European influence. Boston contains cobbled traces of London. In Philadelphia and Washington, large boulevard reminiscent of Paris fan out. New York is different: the le skyscraper canyons and intense metropolitan life of Manhattan Island make this cits uniquely North American. The U.S.A.'s Southeast, though, has a very different look and feel. Florida offers tropical Miami Beach, with its man-made explosion of hotel cubes, and the fascinating natural wonder of the Everglades. New Orleans is a city steeped in the rich, almost overripe, atmosphere of France and Africa; it simmers with a baroque sleepiness, Moving on to Texas, you'll come upon a vast state that rings with superlatives. One of its cities-Houston-has taken great strides in progressive city planning, and the world's most expansive airport stretches out between Dallas and Fort Worth. North to the Great Plains states, flatness of terrain is the rule. Windy, lakeside Chicago and the heavy-winter cities of Minneapolis and Milwaukee are as different from New York as Frankfurt is. West from Chicago, Denver nestles at the base of the Rocky Mountain region, an area that may remind you of switzerland's splendor. To travel that south of the Rockies is to see one of the travel south U.S.A.'s most colorful sections-the high, intermediate, and low deserts of the Southwest. New Mexico, with its artists' village of Taos, and Arizona, with its stunning Painted Desert and Grand Canyon, seems to form a separate country. On the West Coast, California. like Texas, stands apart from all the other states. California is an innovative state (its freeway network and system of higher education-both multilevel-are remarkable), and its vistas delight the eye. In the U.S.A's northwest corner, Washington and Oregon comprises the big timber land, a rainy pocket of the country. The newest of the states, Alaska and Hawaii, feature climate, terrain, and customs far different from any found in the conterminous United States. Subtropical Hawaii has been molded by its Polynesian and Oriental population; Alaska takes its tone from its Arctic climate and Eskimo heritage. Despite its attempts to become a homogeneous country, the U.S.A. is as diversely as the symbols of its many regions: surfboard and totem pole, ski slope and saguaro cactus, igloo and Empire State Building.
在這樣的空間發展文中,通常需要一些過渡詞 (轉折語) 來幫助在空間轉換時,能讓讀者跟上
像是上文中從 New Orleans 要換到德州時,使用了 Moving on to Texas 這樣的轉折
還有像是 close to the Mexican border; to the north; each of California's three major cities...等等
文章也使用很多比較「強」的動詞,好的寫作者會儘量避免使用太多 Be 動詞或是 Have,想辦法多使用一些繽紛的動詞
Los Angelses is the home of many creative people.
Los Angelses attacts many creative people.
Denver is within sight of the Rocky Mountains.
Denver stands within sight of the Rocky Mountains.
