所謂的 Specific terms 指的就是文章中的一些細節,專有名詞等等
Even in the absence of samples from the surface of Mars, a good deal can be inferred about its bulk composition, Its density, for example, is only 70 percent the density of the earth. Presumably Mars was formed in a region of the solar nebula that was cool enough to allow the condensation of compounds incorporating a wide variety of elements. The planet is probably well supplied with minerals containing combinations of magnesium, iron, silicon and oxygen (ferromagnesian silicates), and combinations of iron and sulfur (troilite). There may also be some free iron. Because Mars formed in a cooler region of the solar nebula than the earth did. however, more of its iron combined with other elements and less is in the form of metallic iron. This difference may explain why Mars has a lower density than the earth. Temperature conditions also favored the formation of some water-bearing silicate materials. In addition to these more abundant materials, Mars contains compounds incorporating small amounts of the long-lived radioactive isotopes of uranium, thorium, and potassium.
摘自 Mars, "James R. Pollack, Scientific American (September 1975)
我們在做表達時常常說的一句話「A picture is worth 1,000 words」