If the [1960s] taught us all about the inadequacies of the old mainstream without solving them, the decade did send people marching to a new tune and, most of all, to a new beat. It became fashionable again to be different, to be distinct, ethnically, socially, and personally. We sang not about love and marriage, paper dolls, kissing at the garden gate, and the girl next door, but about society's child, LSD and drugs, and how I'd love to turn you on. The unvarnished brutality and overt sexuality of Elvis Presley and the hipsterism of the fifties was tamed. Margaret Mead calls ours a prefigurative culture in which the children are natives and the adults immigrants. The beat of rock made Glenn Miller and Lawrence Welk sound pallid, and its message rebuked the plastic world even more effectively than the official social critics. ("We gave her everything money could buy," goes the voice."Fun money can't buy, "comes the response. Shes leaving home after living alone. "
摘自 "The Beatles and Their Beat, Peter Schrag, The Decline of the WASP
通常我們的在一個段落的開始就會把 controlling idea 點出來
例如在上面的文章中,一開始主句的 beat 跟後半段的 beat 都有在呼應主題
美國劇作家 Eugene O'Neill 說過,每當他想要與讀者溝通一個概念時
1. 告訴讀者你即將要做什麼
2. 做給他看
3. 告訴讀者你剛剛做了什麼